A human spirit always dwells in possibility and when there is a possibility,
It makes the impossible surrender on its knees.

The surges and declines in the intensity of the pandemic had probably undertaken every industrial sector within its web. Businesses had been through a merry-go-round of consecutive hauls and recoveries. How can the case of the hospitality industry be different?
“Tourism, despite ever-growing flows of travelers, will become riskier and more prone to crises”
Lifted lockdown restrictions, opening up of borders, opening up of vacation spots, commencing up of hotels and restaurants, long-term stays and the most important flushing of fears from public brains has opened the doors to gloomy skies of fearless and restriction-less traveling. It is worthless to ignore the hurting facts for the hospitality sector in India.
Recent reports provided by an expert panel under the National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) suggest that a third wave of coronavirus could peak around October. Such apprehensions of the third viral wave taking a huge toll in the hospitality businesses. Maharashtra has seen a jerk in this regard and a temporary lockdown halted life in the state. Delhi, Kerala, and north-eastern states are too vulnerable for a third covid outbreak. Amidst such chaos, a nationwide lockdown would only serve the instant way to bring the curve down and the growing hospitality industry would again stutter to rise. And hence the question,
“Will the hospitality business survive the third wave amidst travel rebounds and festival seasons'? If yes, then how?
Travel rebounds and vacations along with the festive moods bring the people to travel to destinations suiting the festivity. For eg, Mathura, a perfect destination to celebrate Krishna Janmashtami, Maharashtra is a limelight place to celebrate grand Ganesh Utsav, Dandiya, and Garba night would attract pan-India tourists to Gujrat by default, Durga puja of Kolkata considered sacred for tour-freaks and snow-covered mountains would squeak a welcome call to all winter travelers and a much more spots awaiting travelers around India. A green signal for both hospitality markets as well as covid upsurge.
No doubt the hospitality industry could survive the apprehensions of the third wave and would recover in leaps and bounds only and only if we serve our customers with care centered in our crockeries. Let's look at how the industry could survive amidst the chaos. Some brief out tips down the lane
Customers need to be assured of their safety hand in hand not to compromise with the thrills and adventure of traveling. Assurance advertisements would help the industrialists to gather the traffic of travelers.
The trend of digital and contactless services has gained new momentum. Technology has aided the hospitality industry in mobile check-ins, online payment modes, biometrics for accessing rooms, and contactless food-delivery systems.
A wide range of app-based services such as booking flights, destinations, hotels, restaurants would attract the traveler's traffic as more people switch to online facilities.
Vaccination is the only armor that could protect both travelers as well those employed in the industry. Hotels can ensure the vaccination certificate of the customers.
For managers there’s a hard role to play, strict hygiene standards must be maintained. Rooms, lobbies, kitchens, and so on must be adequately disinfected on a regular basis.
Hotel amenities procurement can be rendered to service providers such as Horeca Stop. Such service providers e-manage all the procurements done by the Horeca industry such as cutlery, room amenities, kitchen accessories everything under one platform and at the same time maintains safe and timely delivery of products and even assures the quality of the product delivered.
The basics should not be forgotten while traveling i.e. mask up, sanitize and maintain distance while traveling. This is both for travelers as well as the employees and employers.
Forget not, international travel restrictions provide a wider opportunity for the domestic hospitable industry which should not be missed at any cost. Drawing inspiration from the leading geographical environment and driven by strict controls and vaccination, India should keep up with the new trends and see a lot of pent-up demand helping the industry recover. With budding entrepreneurs such as horecastop, the sustainability of tourism and hospitality is taking a new turn to the road of progress with safety.
Let the hopes, not the hurts define the future of hospitality and hearty Welcome the festivities and the vacations and serve them in a sanitized shores